Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Tag-- You're It!

I was surprised to see the variety of libraries which use del.icio.us. The ability to bookmark with such a tool could be very handy, since one of the main problems in research is remembering where you saw something you need to reference or review later. But tagging can also put you in touch with other computer users' bookmarks and provide a path to sites you might not have found otherwise. Noodling around in the tags brought me to FindSounds.com, which has a amazing library of sounds to call up online-- pretty useful if you're planning a program on birds (with various twitters and tweets), throwing a Halloween party (creaking door, evil laugh), or looking into the music of Australia (just what does a didgeridoo sound like?). Another search on the sounds tag brought me to audio files of famous speeches on the Free Information Society's website, www.freeinfosociety.com--potentially a good resource for students of 20th and 21st century politics.

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